Thursday, May 27, 2010


I am bored because it is school holidays already.
I wish I was back back in K2 when the school just started
Sigh anyway it's okay

Ok i am going bye bye

5:43 AM

Sunday, May 23, 2010

2:17 AM

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hi, 10th of May was the first day I attended Primary School. My doctor said I could go to school!
Yippee! This is me in my school uniform. My first day of school was exam. I enjoyed going to school! On the first day of school. I made a friend called Ashley. There were many fierce and friendly teachers. My mum would always pack me some yummy food for me. My Dad created this berry called liverberry. He said it was a kind of berry. (Well the real name was RIVERVALLEY)

Ok i am going to bed.


7:22 AM

Friday, May 7, 2010

Hi today we will start about my morning,

Today i am going to Cynthia's Birthday Party at Mcdornald's. How exciting could that be?
There will be goodies, games and a Mcdornald meal... (: ok let's teach you how to make a lovely Birthday Card!

You will need :

A piece of paper(coloured one)
then you will need colour pencils and a pencil.
next you draw! draw some slices of cake and sandwiches..
After that you draw people! (not stick people ok?)
After that you colour them then you write at the side turn behind.
Next you find a small piece of paper.(Enough to write a birthday song,
then you write your birthday song and stick it onto the paper!
Have fun!


6:48 PM

Today was rather a happy day cause i manage to hug all my friends in pet society---> Ya that's all..
And i my heart was pounding when i had a runny nose because i did not want to go to the hospital after all i am a cancer child. Nothing i can do. Yes Yes well i have more good news to share just give me a minute thank you..

Yes Yes the good news was Saturday i could go to my classmates party and i can go to school on Monday although i think i have said it before. Hmm.. Yes Yes i will teach you how to keep on using a tissue box.

1. Find a empty tissue box.
2. find lots of paper and the stick it onto your box
3. Try to cover the whole thing will paper.
4. If your tissue box is empty find another tissue box and give some to your own tissue box.
5. After you do that.. draw on the paper one should say don't wet the paper so it won't be soaked.
6. After that you are done.. oh i forgot about the things to make it,

1. Tissue box
2. Glue
3. Tissue paper (If needed)
4. lots of paper

That's all for now next we will make a mother's day card alright?

Mother's day card.

First get 2 pieces of paper then find a rather thin piece of paper to stick them together
Outside on one spot only write in CAPITAL LETTERS. On the inside you can write on only 1 side.
The other side you only can draw then you hide it under your table. (Just don't let your parents see it if possible.
That's all for today..

Jessica ...

1:52 AM

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I went to the hospital and my blood results were very good, So... I ate sushi and cold noodles at Waraku to celebrate. I haven't eaten food from a restaurant for 8 months. I loved the yummy food!
The food was much better than my father's cooking.

And on Saturday I can go to a birthday party. It is a birthday party of my classmate from Gracefield Kindergarten.


6:01 AM

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Today was a very good day! Ate a muffin and icecream.(Both chocolate)
and.. my cousins came to play! we played.. memory cards. I was the worst.
My cousin's were the best at memory games.. Had a yummy dinner.
Today shall be a happy memory for me! Yay!

5:31 AM

(: Now my Cousin's are at my house. Happy Happy! heeheee

5:29 AM